

Game Between Environmental Information Reporters and Stakeholders in the Urbanization Process of Regions Inhabited by Mixed Ethnic Groups
摘要 散杂居民族地区城镇化进程中的环境信息包括微观环境信息与宏观环境信息,环境信息报告主体与利益相关者之间充满博弈。博弈模型的分析中引入了环境罚款、环境声誉收益、社会收益等变量,丰富了研究结论。建议利益相关者应参与环境信息报告机制,提高罚款力度,注重环境声誉效应,推动环境信息供给侧改革,以及促进社会成本内在化。 The environmental information of the regions inhabited by mixed ethnic groups in the urbanization process includes both micro and macro environmental information. There is a game between information reporters and stakeholders. The analysis of game pattern brings in variables such as environmental penalty, reputation benefit, and social benefit, which enriches the research conclusion. The study suggests stakeholders taking part in reporting environmental information, raising penalty, focusing on environmental reputation, promoting a supply side reform of environmental information, and facilitating internalization of social cost.
出处 《商业经济》 2016年第9期1-3,共3页 Business & Economy
基金 教育部规划基金项目:散杂居民族地区城镇化中环境信息披露与利益相关者内在机理研究(13YJA790056) 辽宁省教育厅项目:辽宁省企业碳排放核算及内部控制研究(W2013305) 2015年度大连民族大学自主科研基金资助项目:自然资源资产负债表的编制-理论框架与体系设计(20150811)
关键词 散杂居民族地区 城镇化 环境信息报告主体 利益相关者 博弈 regions inhabited by mixed ethnic groups urbanization environmental information reporters
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