
Small prime solutions to cubic equations 被引量:1

Small prime solutions to cubic equations
摘要 Let a_1,..., a_9 be nonzero integers not of the same sign, and let b be an integer. Suppose that a_1,..., a_9 are pairwise coprime and a_1 + + a_9 ≡ b(mod 2). We apply the p-adic method of Davenport to find an explicit P = P(a_1,..., a_9, n) such that the cubic equation a_1p_1~3+ + a9p_9~3= b is solvable with p_j 《 P for all 1 ≤ j ≤ 9. It is proved that one can take P = max{|a_1|,..., |a_9|}~c+ |b|^(1/3) with c = 2. This improves upon the earlier result with c = 14 due to Liu(2013). Let a1,…,a9 be nonzero integers not of the same sign, and let b be an integer. Suppose that a1,…,a9 are pairwise coprime and a1+…a9≡b (mod 2). We apply the p-adic method of Davenport to find an explicit P = P(a1,..., a9, n) such that the cubic equation a1p1^3+…+a9p9^3=b is solvable with pj≤Pfor all 1≤j≤9. It is proved that one can take P=max(|a1]…|a9|}^c + |b|^1/3 with c=2. This improves upon the earlier result with c=14 due to Liu (2013).
作者 ZHAO LiLu
机构地区 School of Mathematics
出处 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第10期1909-1918,共10页 中国科学:数学(英文版)
基金 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11401154)
关键词 三次方程 立方型 非零整数 MOD 互质 平均 circle method, prime number, cubic equation
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