
3~7岁幼儿父亲的教养投入研究——以武汉市为例 被引量:2

A Study on Fathers’ Involvement in Parenting for Children Aged 3-7:Taking Wuhan City as An Example
摘要 研究者对武汉市280名幼儿父亲的教养投入进行了调查。结果显示:(1)父亲教养投入水平总体偏上,其中,可及性水平最高,互动性水平最低。(2)双子女家庭中,二孩获得的父亲教养投入最少,男孩获得的父亲教养投入大于女孩。(3)父亲的受教育水平和工作满意度越高,其教养投入越高;每周工作时间越长,其教养投入越少。据此,研究者提出,父亲要强化自身的角色意识,增加与孩子的相处时间并提高亲子交往质量;双子女家长要公平对待每个子女;开展父职教育,为父亲参与教养提供支持。 The researchers investigated the involvement in parenting of 280 fathers in Wuhan. The results show (I) the level of involvement of fathers is generally above average; and of all the elements, the availability is the highest, the interaction is the lowest; (2) in two children families, the second child get the least fathers' involvement; and boys get more fathers' in- volvement than girls; (3) fathers' involvement is positively correlated with their education and degree of satisfaction from their work; the more hours fathers work per week, the less they are involved in parenting. Therefore, the researchers suggest that fathers should enforce their role awareness, spend more time with their children and improve the quality of their interac- tion with their children; each child should be equally treated in those two children families; and support should be provided for fathers' involvement.
作者 徐梦雪 张莉
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2016年第9期45-49,共5页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
关键词 父亲 教养投入 幼儿 father involvement in parenting young children
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