
信息中介参与电子商务系统的系统动力学分析 被引量:2

System Dynamics Research on E-business System of Information Intermediary
摘要 信息中介通过一定的营销手段推荐用户购买其感兴趣的产品或服务,这不仅使信息中介获利,还增加了第三方平台产品或服务的销量。本文研究了一个考虑信息中介参与的电子商务系统,首先对信息中介参与的电子商务系统的流程和功能进行了分析;然后,分析了信息中介个性化推荐的因果关系图和第三方电子商务平台的因果关系图;其次,根据因果关系图构建了有信息中介参与的电子商务系统动力学模型;最后,利用Vensim PLE对构建的系统动力学模型进行模拟,结果表明:若要增加整个系统收益和发展水平,应增加信息中介的用户数量,增加用户对推荐的信任,并提高信息中介、第三方电商平台和卖家的服务水平。 The information intermediary makes effort to recommend the potential customer buy what they interested in,which is realizing the increasing of products / services of third party platform. In this paper,we consider an e-commerce systems with information intermediary. First,the processes and functions of information intermediary involved in electronic commerce system are analyzed. Then,we analyze tow causality diagrams of personalized recommendation of information intermediary and the third party e-commerce platform. After that,according to the causality diagram,we construct the system dynamics model of e-business system with information intermediary. Finally,we use the Vensim PLE to simulate the system dynamics model. The results show that,in order to improve the benefits and the development level of system,information intermediary should increase the number of user and user' s trust of the recommendation,as well as improve the service level of information intermediary,third-party e-business platform and sellers.
作者 李艳琦
出处 《工业技术经济》 北大核心 2016年第10期30-37,共8页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 河南省哲学社科规划决策咨询项目“河南电子商务和物联网产业发展的现状和对策研究”(项目编号:2015JC06) 河南省科技发展计划软科学项目“中原经济区区域承载力综合评价与预测”(项目编号:142400410551)
关键词 信息中介 第三方电子商务平台 电子商务系统 系统动力学 information intermediary third party e-business platform e-business system system dynamics
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