本文研究了黄杨绢野螟黑化型与正常型的形态特征,同时测定了两者对Z11—16:Ald、E11—16:Ald、Z11—16:OH、Z11-16:AC、E11-16:AC、Z9-16:AC 6种性信息素的EAG反应值。结果表明,黑化型与正常型黄杨绢野螟的形态特征差异主要表现在蛹期和成虫期。与正常型黄杨绢野螟相比,黑化型黄杨绢野螟的蛹逐渐变黑,成虫除新月形斑点外其颜色全部变黑并出现金属光泽。两者随性信息素的浓度增加,EAG反应值增强.但在低浓度下不同的性信息素的EAG反应值无显著差异.而在高浓度下则存在显著差异。
The hexane extract of female calling moths of the box tree pyralid, Diaphania perspectalis(Lepidoptera: Crambidae) was analyzed in the coupling gas chromatography and mass spectrum, andconfirmed by the synthetic compound samples. It showed (Z)-ll-hexadecenal (Zll-16:Ald) was themajor component found in the extract, and (E)-ll-hexadecenal (EII-16:Ald) was detected very mi-nor, however, (Z)-ll-hexadeceno] (Zll-16:OH) was not detected in all of our extracts. The elec-troantennogram recording results revealed the differential responses of male moths to Zll-16:Ald,Ell-16:Ald, (Z)-9-hexadecenal (Z9-16:Ald) and Zll-16:OH, but very minor responses to (Z)-ll-hexadecenyl acetate (Zll-16:Ac) and (E)-ll-hexadecenyl acetate (Ell-16:Ac) compared with theresponse to general green leave volatile Z3-hexenyl acetate. The EAG responses to Zll-16:Ald, Ell-16:Ald and Z9-16:Ald dramatically increased with the dosage.