
女性主义关怀伦理的性别探究 被引量:2

A Gender Exploration of Feminist Solicitude Ethics
摘要 随着社会的发展,人类认知不断完善,社会中存在的一系列性别差异问题被人们特别是女性所关注,为了维护女性的自身权利、追寻平等的性别关系,在女性主义伦理的基础上形成了关怀伦理学。关怀伦理以实现性别平等为己任,通过性别二元关系对社会中存在的性别不平等问题进行客观分析,从其理论自身寻求对性别关系的突破,客观认识理论中存在的性别困境;并结合正义伦理的普遍平等原则,打破传统的二元对立结构,实现对性别的正义追寻;最终突破原有的性别观念,实现性别超越。 With the development of society and human cognitive improvement, a series of social gender differences are receiving greater attention especially women of interests. In order to safeguard the rights of women and pursue the gender equality, the Solicitude Ethics formed based on Feminist Ethics. The Solicitude Ethics is devoting to achieve the gender equality and analyze the problem of gender inequality in society through gender binary relation in order to breakthrough the difficulty and be capable of objectively understanding the plight of the existence of it. The most important aim of the Solicitude Ethics is to transcend gender by breaking with traditional dualistic structure and the original of gender concept. It must be combined with the general principle of ethics justice equality and finally achieve gender justice.
作者 慕霜
出处 《阴山学刊》 2016年第5期10-14,52,共6页 Yinshan Academic Journal
关键词 女性主义 关怀伦理 性别差异 性别平等 性别正义 性别超越 Feminism Solicitude Ethics gender differences gender equality gender justice gender transcendence
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