矿用压力传感器广泛应用于井下巷道和管道内的压力检测,对压力进行实时准确检测对煤矿安全生产具有重要意义。本文设计了一种基于CAN总线的矿用压力传感器,采用高精度的电流型压力传感器对压力进行实时检测,并通过CAN总线将压力数据传输给矿用分站。设计中以Cortext M3为内核的LPC1752作为控制的核心,采用MEAS1220作为压力检测的核心元件,完成压力传感器的硬件和软件设计,具有较高的可靠性和准确性。
Mine pressure sensor is widely used in underground tunnels and the pressure detection in the pipeline, the pressure of real-time and accurate detection of coal mine safety production is of great significance. A pressure sensor based on CAN bus is designed in this paper, the high precision of the current type pressure sensor is adopts for real-time detection of pressure,and the pressure data to mine substation vias the CAN bus. The LPC1752 based on the Cortext M3 core controls the sensor and using MEAS 1220 as the core component of pressure detection, the hardware and software design of the pressure sensor has high reliability and accuracy.
Electronic Design Engineering