
功能性便秘穴位埋线治疗经络穴位文献计量研究 被引量:5

The Bibliometrical Study on Meridians and Acupoints in Catgut Embedding Therapy for Functional Constipation
摘要 目的:采用循证医学方法分析穴位埋线治疗功能性便秘的经络穴位选择,为临床提供参考方案。方法:应用计算机检索截止至2016年3月的文献,按照Cochrane系统文献质量评价的方法筛选,穴位出现采用频数和频率进行描述,运用SPSS 22.0进行统计分析。结果:共有73篇符合纳入标准的研究;十四经筛选统计总共出现34个穴位(前11位穴位依次为:天枢、大肠俞、足三里、上巨虚、气海、关元、大横、中脘、支沟、肾俞、中极),分属8条经脉(膀胱经〉胃经〉任脉〉脾经〉大肠经〉三焦经、肝经、督脉);辨证经络取穴筛选出现23个穴位(前11位穴位依次为:曲池、气海、膈俞、阳陵泉、支沟、上巨虚、脾俞、胃俞、肾俞、关元、中脘),分属10条经脉(大肠经〉任脉〉膀胱经〉肝经〉胆经〉胃经〉脾经〉三焦经〉肾经),辨证方法以虚实及八纲辨证为主,虚证常用脾俞、气海,实证用上巨虚、支沟;热证取合谷、曲池,寒证取脾俞、胃俞、肾俞、关元;气滞取阳陵泉、行间、中脘、支沟、太冲,气虚取脾俞、气海、足三里、神阙,血虚取血海、膈俞;阴虚取太溪,阳虚取气海、关元。结论:功能性便秘穴位埋线治疗穴位多选用背俞穴、募穴、下合穴;常用足太阳膀胱经、足阳明胃经、任脉、足太阴脾经;辨证取穴经络以大肠经、任脉经穴为主,其次为膀胱经背俞穴、肝胆经、脾胃经。 Objective:To analyze the selection of meridians and acupoints in catgut embedding therapy for functional constipation by evidence-based medicine methods, in order to provide reference regimens for clinical practice. Methods:Searched the literatures which ended March 2016 with com-puter and screened them according to the Cochrane systematic evaluation for literature quality, the appearance of acupoints was described by frequen-cy and rate, and SPSS 22.0 was used in statistical analyzing. Results:There were totally 73 articles met the inclusion criteria;there were 34 acupoints appeared in screening statistics of 14 meridians (the top 11 points were Tianshu, Dachangshu, Zusanli, Shangjuxu, Qihai, Guanyuan, Daheng, Zhong-wan, Zhigou, Shenshu, Zhongji), which belong to 8 channels (urinary bladder channel〉stomach channel〉conception vessel〉spleen channel〉large in-testine channel〉tri-jiao channel, liver channel, governor vessel);there were 23 acupoints appeared in screening statistics of meridians and acupoints selection by syndrome differentiation (the top 11 points were Quchi, Qihai, Geshu, Yanglingquan, Zhigou, Shangjuxu, Pishu, Weishu, Shenshu, Guanyuan, Zhongwan), which belong to 10 channels (large intestine channel〉conception vessel〉urinary bladder channel〉liver channel〉gallbladder channel〉stomach channel〉spleen channel〉tri-jiao channel〉kidney channel), the syndrome differentiation methods were mostly excess and deficien-cy syndrome differentiation and eight principal syndrome differentiation, asthenia syndrome often used Pishu and Qihai, sthenia syndrome used Shangjuxu and Zhigou;heat syndrome used Hegu and Quchi, cold syndrome used Pishu, Weishu, Shenshu and Guanyuan;qi stagnation used Yan-glingquan, Xingjian, Zhongwan, Zhigou and Taichong, qi asthenia used Pishu, Qihai, Zusanli and Shenque, blood asthenia used Xuehai and Geshu;yin deficiency used Taixi, yang deficiency used Qihai and Guanyuan. Conclusion:The acupoints of back-shu points, front-mu points and lower con-fluent points are usually chosen in catgut embedding therapy for functional constipation;urinary bladder channel of foot taiyang, stomach channel of foot yangming, conception vessel and spleen channel of foot taiyin are usually used;channels in acupoints selection with syndrome differentiation are mostly points on large intestine channel and conception vessel, and followed by back-shu points on urinary bladder channel, liver and gallbladder channel, spleen and stomach channel.
出处 《按摩与康复医学》 2016年第21期22-25,共4页 Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 功能性便秘 穴位埋线 经络 穴位 文献计量学 functional constipation catgut embedding main and collateral channels acupoints bibliometrics
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