

Determination of Ammonia Concentration in Human Albumin
摘要 目的测定不同存放时间的人血白蛋白中的氨浓度,为患者提供安全保障,协助药剂科对人血白蛋白的管理。方法将人血白蛋白注射液按照存放时间分为30d、60d、90d、180d、360d共5组。应用紫外分光光度法,向人血白蛋白中加入过量定量的钨酸钠溶液、硫酸溶液,使蛋白沉淀的同时,氨与硫酸形成硫酸铵留在滤液中,再加入酚显色剂、碱性次氯酸钠溶液显色后于波长630nm处测定吸光度,再根据标准曲线转化为浓度。结果人血白蛋白内含有微量的氨,氨的浓度在4℃条件下不会随着保存时间的延长而显著增多,直至保存到360d时,氨浓度仍没有显著升高,维持在(31.42±2.37)μmol/L。结论目前人血白蛋白注射液的制备工艺不会产生高浓度的氨,安全性极高,且在药剂科4℃条件下能够安全保存至360d。 Objective To determine the different storage time of human Albumin in the ammonia concentration,to provide patients with safety and security,and to assist the pharmacy department of Human Albumin’s management. Methods Human Albumin Injection was divided into 30 d,60 d,90 d,180 d,360 d,totally 5 groups according to the storage time. By using ultraviolet points spectrophotometric method,quantitative and excessive sodium tungstate solution and sulfuric acid solution were added to human serum albumin. Precipitated proteins at the same time,ammonia and sulfuric acid to form ammonium sulfate left in the filtrate,adding phenol reagent,sodium hypochlorite solution color at a wavelength of 630 nm absorbance,and transformed it into concentrationaccording to the standard curve. Results Human Albumin contained trace amounts of ammonia. Ammonia concentration at 4℃ did not increase with the prolongation of preservation time. Until 360 d, ammonia concentration was still not significantly increased, maintained at (31. 42 ± 2. 37)mol/L. Conclusion At present,the preparation process of Human Albumin Injection will not produce high concentration of ammonia,with high security,and in the pharmacy 4 degrees Celsius conditions it can be safely saved to 360d.
出处 《四川医学》 CAS 2016年第10期1103-1105,共3页 Sichuan Medical Journal
基金 宜宾市科技计划项目(编号:2014SF011)
关键词 人血白蛋白 紫外分光光度法 浓度 human albumin ammonia uv spectrophotometry concentration
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