目的:成功制备Her2胞外段基因与猴免疫缺陷病毒(simian immunodeficiency virus,SIV)包膜蛋白sf162跨膜区基因融合的Her2/ECD-sf162/TM病毒样颗粒(VLPs),并在小鼠体内进行初步的抗肿瘤免疫效果研究。方法:利用前期构建好的Her2/neu与SIV-gag嵌合的表达载体Her2/ECD-sf162/TM,制备Her2/neu与SIV-gag嵌合型VLPs疫苗,并用该疫苗免疫小鼠。结果:VLPs可成功激发小鼠体内免疫应答反应,产生血清抗VLPs的抗体;VLP免疫后接种Her2/neu+小鼠乳腺癌细胞EMT6,结果显示该疫苗可有效抑制肿瘤生长;同时,VLP对荷瘤鼠治疗结果也显示,该疫苗可在一定程度上抑制肿瘤生长。结论:VLPs疫苗具有良好的免疫原性,且免疫后对肿瘤攻击具有保护作用。
Objective To gain Her2/ECD - sfl62/TM VLPs vaccine and study the effect of anti - tumor immunity in BALB/c mice. Methods : Her2/ECD - sfl62/TM VLPs which laiding a foundation for further study of Her2 vims like particles vaccine that based on SIV - gag protein was successfully constructed, and the effect of anti - tumor im-munity has been studied in vivo. Results: BALB/c mice after immunization challenged with Her2/neu+ cancer cells, the VLPs could inhibit the growth of the tumor. Besides, the effects of VLPs to tumor - bearing was also observed, which the result showed the VLPs could suppress the tumor growth to some extent. Conclusion: This VLP vaccine can not only induce strong tumor - specific immune response,but also can protect the mice from attack with tumor cells after immunized.
Journal of Modern Oncology