
重心坐标插值的三角形着色算法硬件实现 被引量:2

Implementation of triangle tinting algorithm based on the center of gravity coordinate interpolation
摘要 针对三角形的平滑着色技术,设计并实现一种三角形颜色插值的硬件加速器。根据三角形建立单元输入的三角形顶点数据,利用边界方程计算三角形的面积以及面积倒数。通过扫描转化模块筛选出每个三角形覆盖的有效像素块,最后利用三角形建立单元得到的边界方程值与三角形面积倒数值,通过插值模块实现经过扫描转换模块处理后的三角形内所有片元的颜色插值。测试结果表明,该加速器最大工作频率可达约为222.2 MHz,能够实现嵌入式GPU中图形平滑着色的要求。 A hardware accelerator for triangle color interpolation is designed and accompnsnea. The area of the triangle and area reciprocal are calculated by using the boundary equation with triangle vertex data coming from triangular element. The effective pixel block of each triangle is selected by using the scan conversion module. The boundary value equation and reciprocal of the triangular area obtained from Triangle building unit are then used, and color interpolation of all slice elements in triangle processed by scan conversion module is achieved by using the interpolation module. Testing results show that the accelerator can achieve maximum working frequency of 222.2 MHz, which can achieve embedded GPU graphics smooth rendering.
作者 杜慧敏 季凯柏 蒋忭忭 郭冲宇 DU Huimin JI Kaibo JIANG Bianbian GUO Chongyu(School of Electronic Engineering, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China)
出处 《西安邮电大学学报》 2016年第5期39-42,共4页 Journal of Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(61136002) 西安市科技发展计划资助项目(CXY1440(10))
关键词 重心坐标插值 平滑着色 嵌入式GPU gravity co-ordinate interpolation, smooth shading, embedded GPU
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