

Research on Playing the Role of Sci-tech Periodicals as Important Window Opening to the west with the Implementation of “the Belt and Road” Initiative——Taking Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences as an Example
摘要 新疆特色农业发展和建设已取得了阶段性成果,在全国的地位举足轻重。例如与全国其它产棉地区相比,新疆棉花生产无论是其生产规模还是生产效率,在全国都具有极强的相对比较优势,其优势地位不可取代;新疆粮食生产(小麦和玉米)在全国具有相对生产效率优势;新疆哈密瓜、葡萄、香梨、核桃、杏等特色林果,在全国具有极强的生产规模和生产效率,其综合比较优势地位突出。新疆是"一带一路"核心区,农业是新疆的优势产业,《新疆农业科学》是新疆与国内外科技信息交流的重要平台,以《新疆农业科学》为例,对所刊登论文的学科与机构分布进行了统计与分析,表明《新疆农业科学》在推动科技成果向西开放的方面发挥了重要的窗口作用。 Initial payoffs have been achieved in the development and construction of featured agriculture in Xinjiang, which has displayed a significant role in China. For example, compared with the cotton yield in other areas, Xinjiang's cotton growth and production, whether on the scale of production or in terms of production efficiency, show relatively strong comparative advantage and its dominant position can not be replaced. The grain production(wheat and corn) in Xinjiang also has relative advantage in production efficiency over other provinces in China. Xinjiang's featured fruits such as Hami cantaloupe, grape, pear, walnut and apricot have extremely strong production scale and efficiency and the comprehensive comparative advantage demonstrates prominent position. In the course of carrying out "the Belt and Road" initiative, Xijiang has become the core area. Agriculture is the dominant industry in Xinjiang and Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences is an important platform for domestic and foreign science and technologyinformation communication. Taking Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences as a case, the discipline and organization distribution of all the papers published in this journal were gone through statistics and analysis. It indicated that this journal played an important window role in promoting the scientific and technological achievements to open to the west.
作者 张琼 王芳 何婧 李朝晖 岳荣强 ZHANG Qiong WANG Fang HE Jing LI Chao-hui YUE Rong-qiang(Editorial Department of Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, Research Institute of Economy and Technology Information, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinjiang Urumqi 830091, China)
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2016年第10期158-161,共4页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
基金 自治区公益性科研院所基本科研业务经费资助项目"提升科技期刊国际影响力的对策与途径研究"(项目编号:KY2015020) 新疆农业科学院青年科技基金项目"新疆农业科学院青年科技人员发表论文统计与分析"(项目编号:xjnkq-2014007) 新疆农业科学院院长基金项目(项目编号:xjnyky-2012-y07) 新疆农业科学院青年基金项目"科技期刊对科技进步与自主创新的支撑作用研究"(项目编号:xjnkq-2016016)
关键词 “一带一路” 科技期刊 信息交流 科技成果 "the Belt and Road" Sci-tech periodical Information communication Sci-tech result
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