

A Study on Huang Zongxi and the Academic Lecture of Ming Zhao
摘要 自宋代至清初,林下讲会甚盛。南宋吕祖谦与清初黄宗羲既是一代大儒,又是浙东历史上杰出的教育家。浙东讲学兴起之功,首推东莱明招讲学。黄宗羲远承明招遗风,近承证人讲会之绪,主东南讲席,肇开清代浙东学派。黄氏编纂《明文案》、《明文海》、《明儒学案》、《宋元学案》诸书,正在康熙间昌言讲学之际。一定程度上说,无梨洲讲学,即无《明儒学案》、《明文海》诸书之独具面目。吕、黄皆缘"讲学不明","正学"难继,科举害道,倡山林讲学,冀穷经读史、述古明道,转移一代学风,经世致用。尽管旨趣相通、内容相近、形式相沿,但由于所处历史环境、学术思潮不尽相同,讲学也各具时代特色。东莱通于《五经》,讲学内容包括义理与训诂传注,强调读史,梨洲则昌言穷经为本,"兼令读史",兼及历算之学,不专事训诂章句;东莱十分注重方法,讲究层次由浅及深,因材施教,并严定学规。梨洲门人非其自择,未曾严定学规,讲会以自由商讨为主,创立讲经会为辅。吕、黄讲学各尽其长,卓有成效。从吕祖谦到黄宗羲的林下讲学,也体现了浙学的传承与历史变化。 The nongovernmental academic lectures became prosperous from Song dynasty to the beginning of Qing dynsty, which had improved the developing of traditional learning and education. Lyu Zuqian and Huang Zongxi were not only the great scholars, but also the outstanding educators in the history of the Zhedong era. Huang Zongxi inherited the tradition of academic lecture of Ming Zhao established by Lyu Zuqian, advocated nongovernmental lecture, therefore brought out the school of Zhedong. Even though their lectures had the same causes and aims and similar means, but still there were some differences which coming from the different historical environments they had lived and so on. Lyu Zuqian was good at studying the Five Classics and the Analectsand Mencius and Zuo Zhuan, required his disciples focusing on both classics and history, set down strict rules for them, and educated them according to their natural abilities. Lyu Zuqian also emphasized studying the Five Classics, but didn't put studying history in an equal position. Because of having no right to choose disciples on his own, he didn't set down strict rules and the organization of his lecture was loose. From the academic lecture of Ming Zhao to Li Zhou, it has reflected the inheritance and change of the academic and education thoughts in the history of Zhedong.
作者 李圣华
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期121-127,160,共7页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目“《明文海》、《明文案》、《明文授读》及张宗祥《增订明文海》整理与研究”(14ZDB074)研究成果之一
关键词 黄宗羲 吕祖谦 明招讲学 梨洲讲会 Huang Zongxi Lyu Zuqian the Academic Lecture of Ming Zhao the Academic Lecture of Li Zhou
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