Background, aim, and scope It has been approximately forty years since the early luminescence dating of Chinese loess. Numerous efforts have been contributed to the luminescence dating technique development and its paleoclimate applications into Chinese loess. Thus, at this stage, it is important to present a systematic summary of the development of luminescence dating technique and its application into Chinese loess. Materials and methods This paper provides an overview and perspective of luminescence dating of Chinese loess and its applications in palaeoclimate area in the past approximately forty years. Results The luminescence dating development during early stage (1970s--2000s), which dominates by multiple-aliquot thermoluminescence (TL) and infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) dating of polymineral grains, will be briefly summarized. This paper will focus on the present (since 2000s) single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and other luminescence dating techniques that aim to extend dating limit in Chinese loess. Meanwhile, the applications of luminescence dating of Chinese loess at, such as, chronology construction, dust accumulation rate changes, strata division and correlation, paoleoclimate evolution at orbital and sub-orbital timescales during the Late Pleistocene, are presented here. Discussion Here, advantages and disadvantages on dating material (e.g. quartz, feldspar), luminescence signal and measurement method at different stages are discussed in detail. The potential and shortage of application of luminescence dating into Chinese loess are systematically presented. Conclusions In summary, luminescence dating of Chinese loess has greatly contributed to and will continuously contribute to the development of luminescence dating technique and the research of paleoclimate and plaeoenvironment using Chinese loess. Recommmendations and perspectives In addition, it is suggested that extending luminescence dating range, verifing the reliability of luminescence dating and increasing accuracy of dose rate estimation will be the key study areas in luminescence dating of Chinese loess. And, the potential of luminescence dating into Chinese loess in the future is deduced.
Journal of Earth Environment