基于Modbus协议的码头智能脱缆钩系统使用测力销对脱缆钩的缆绳拉力进行测量,通过现场PLC控制柜将拉力值使用Modbus协议传给上位机。上位机使用VB 2008编写监控软件,对拉力值进行实时监控,并完成远程控制脱缆钩脱放,有效提高了船舶靠岸作业的稳定性和可靠性。
The intelligent release hook system based on Modbus protocol use force sensors to measure the mooring load of release hook,transmit data to PC by PLC based on Modbus protocol. The PC use VB 2008 to design monitoring software to on-line monitor the force,and control the release hook remotely,improved the stability and reliability of the ship drawing alongside working effectively.
Equipment Manufacturing Technology