110余年前,英国人赵诚(Alfred Ernest Greening)来到滨州北镇,建起了教堂、学校、医院,并用照相机记录了那个年代的滨州。7年前,赵诚的外孙女塞莉·罗(Celly Rowe)来到滨州,在滨州日报记者的帮助下,找到了她外祖父及全家人工作、生活过的地方。2013年,远在英国利兹的塞莉女士再次发出邀请,诚邀我们去英国访问她和她的家人。她说,她的家里有很多"或许对滨州这个城市很有价值的记录"。
More than 110 years ago,the Briton Zhao Cheng(Alfred Ernest Greening) came to Beizhen city,Binzhou.He built churches,schools and hospitals and recorded Binzhou in that era with his camera.Seven years ago,Zhao Cheng's granddaughter called Celly Rowe came to Binzhou.With the help of journalists of Binzhou Daily,she found her grandfather and the place where the whole family worked and lived.They told about the Binzhou story handed down from their ancestors.More importantly,Celly Rowe presented Binzhou with three albums left by her grandfather.In these three albums,there are images of Binzhou and neighboring cities hundreds of years ago,as well as photos of Zhao Cheng and his family.Celly Rowe said that her grandfather belongs to Binzhou,so these things also belong to Binzhou.