
美国东亚战略转型与韩国的应对(1969—1972) 被引量:3

The Transformation of East Asia Strategies of USA and the Response of South Korea during 1969—1972
摘要 1960年代末至1970年代初,尼克松政府着手在东亚实施战略收缩。其中,低调处理EC-121危机、削减驻韩美军和推动中美和解等措施严重动摇了韩国对美国安全承诺信任的基础,也让汉城清楚地意识到自己难以再像以往那样凭借冷战前沿的战略地位通过要挟迫使华盛顿做出重大让步。于是,朴正熙政府转而尽可能顺应乃至配合美国东亚战略的调整,积极促使华盛顿向韩国提供更多的军事援助,劝阻驻韩美军继续撤离,防止尼克松政府在缓和对华关系过程中损害汉城的利益,全力推动国防自立,并努力谋求改善与共产党国家之间的关系。最终,韩国不仅在很大程度上有效地化解了"尼克松主义"带来的冲击,而且还从中获得了一定的收益。但与此同时,1970年代中后期作为韩国国防自立主要措施之一的秘密核开发计划却令美国决定撤出全部驻韩地面部队,美韩同盟再次陷入信任危机。 Nixon administration began to perform strategic contraction in East Asia in the late 1960 s and early 1970 s. The measures such as downplaying of EC-121 crisis,decreasing of the U.S. forces in South Korea and the reconciliation of Sino-U.S.relations vacillated Korea's belief in America's promise of Korean national security and also made Seoul realize that it could not force Washington to comprise by threatening with its strategic position as it had done before the Cold War. Therefore,Park Chung Hee administration tried its best to comply and coordinate with America's adjustment of its strategies towards East Asia,in order to urge Washington to provide more military aids to South Korea,dissuade the U. S. forces from withdrawing,prevent Nixon administration from jeopardizing the interests of Seoul in its reconciling the Sino-U.S. relations. Seoul also promoted the defense independence of South Korea with all its strength and made efforts to improve its relations with communist countries. As a result,South Korea not only resolved the impact of'Nixonism'to a great extent but also gained some interests. However,in the mid and late 1970 s,the secret nuclear development plan as one of the main measures of South Korea's defense independence made the U.S. withdraw all its forces in South Korea,so the US-Korean alliance fell into the crisis of trust again.
作者 梁志
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期43-49,192,共7页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"朝鲜半岛紧张局势与美韩信任危机研究(1953-1976)"(12CSS006) 上海市教育委员会科研创新重点项目"冷战时期朝鲜半岛危机与美韩同盟互信关系研究"(13ZS031)阶段性成果
关键词 朴正熙 EC-121危机 驻韩美军 中美和解 信任危机 Park Chung Hee EC-121 crisis the U.S. forces in South Korea the reconciliation of Sino-U.S. relations crisis of trust
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  • 1Shin Jongdae, "The Perception of ROK on Sino-US Rapprochement and Its Ensuing Responses," Conference Paper, 2009 ECNU-UNKS- NKIDP Spring Workshop, June 4, 2009.
  • 2Sue Peng Ng, "Reassuring One's Friends: Richard Nixon's China Policy and Its Impact on East and Southeast Asia, 1969--1974," Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Nottingham, 2010.
  • 3Lyong Choi, "The Foreign Policy of Park Chunghee: 1968--1979," Ph.D. dissertation, The London School of Economics and Political Science, 2012.
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  • 5牛军.《中国、印度支那战争与尼克松政府的东亚政策(1969--1973)》,《冷战国际史研究》(第五辑),北京:世界知识出版社,2008年,第4页.
  • 6James Person, Mitchell Lerner, etc ( eds. ) , Crisis and Confrontation on the Korean Peninsula : 1968--1969( hereinafter cited as CCKP ) , Washington D.C. : Woodrow Wilson Intemational Center for Scholars, September 2008, doc. 186.
  • 7The Department of State Bulletin, Vol.60, No.1558, May 5, 1969, p.377.
  • 8FRUS, 1969--1976, Vol.19, Part 1, Korea, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 2010, 1969--1972, p.31.
  • 9Rich- ard A.Mobley, Flash Point North Korea: The Pueblo and EC-121 Crises, Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2003, p.132.
  • 10Lyong Choi, "The For- eign Policy of Park Chunghee: 1968--1979," pp.60-61.












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