
红锯蛱蝶觅食过程中的视觉和嗅觉反应 被引量:2

Visual and Olfactory Responses of the Butterfly Cethosia biblis during Flower Visitation
摘要 [目的]探讨颜色和气味对红锯蛱蝶觅食的引诱作用。[方法]分别测定不同颜色和挥发性信息化合物对红锯蛱蝶的引诱效应。[结果]实验发现:视觉和嗅觉信号对红锯蛱蝶觅食均有引诱作用,红、粉、黄、紫、白5种颜色中,红锯蛱蝶明显偏好白色假花(占总访问次数的56.67%),对黄色(20.00%)和粉红色(15.00%)假花的趋性次之;灯光的选择中,夜晚的引诱效果好于白天,粉红色灯光(42.22%)对红锯蛱蝶的诱集效果最好;红锯蛱蝶对蜜源信息挥发物有明显的趋性,无气味时,访花次数较少,添加气味后,访花次数急剧增加,其中,1%水杨酸甲酯(35.17%)和化合物组合(1%α-蒎烯+1%水杨酸甲酯+1%1-辛醛)(32.42%)对红锯蛱蝶的引诱效果最明显。[结论]研究表明:视觉和嗅觉信号均在红锯蛱蝶的觅食过程中发挥作用,但觅食时更侧重依赖嗅觉信号选择合适的食物。红锯蛱蝶明显偏好白色,可能与白色的强反光能力有关。 [ Objective ] To study the responses of Cethosia biblis to color and odor in its foraging behavior. [ Meth- od] The attractive effect of C. biblis by different colors and volatile compounds were investigated respectively. [ Re- sult ] It was found that both visual and olfactory signals had effects on the foraging behavior of C. biblis. Among five colors, C. biblis showed a clear preference to white (the proportion was 56.67% ), followed by yellow (20.00%) and pink ( 15.00% ). In light trapping test, the attractiveness of different color light at night was better than those in daytime generally; and the pink light attracted the largest number of butterfly (42.22%). Olfactory signals were significantly attractive to the adults of C. biblis. The models scented with 1% methyl salicylate (35.17%) and syn- thetic blends (1% α-pinene + 1% methyl salicylate + 1% 1-octanal) (32.42%) attracted significantly more a- dults than the odorless ones. [ Conclusion] It is concluded that, both olfactory and visual cues play important roles in food searching behavior of C. biblis, while the adults depend primarily on olfactory signal to choose appropriate food. The butterflies obviously prefer to white flower, which possibly related to strong reflection of the white flower.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期759-763,共5页 Forest Research
基金 林业公益性行业科研专项项目“开放式蝴蝶景观构建关键技术研究及应用”(201504305)
关键词 红锯蛱蝶 视觉 嗅觉 觅食行为 Cethosia biblis visual sense olfactory sense foraging behavior
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