

A Review of Written Corrective Feedback Research
摘要 监控假说、认知互动理论、技能习得理论和社会文化理论从不同角度都为纠错性反馈的研究提供了理论依据。反馈的类型学提供了书面纠错性反馈研究主要变量之一的分类,即反馈类别,这是研究的基础。Ellis将书面纠错性反馈的类型归为:直接反馈、间接反馈、元语言反馈、聚焦/非聚焦反馈、重铸反馈和电子反馈等六类。在此基础上,二语写作的研究者和教师通过试验来验证纠错性反馈的不同类型,验证不同纠错性反馈形式对二语写作的作用和有效性。在国内大学英语写作教学中教师对书面纠错性反馈的效用需进一步的理论研究和实践。 Monitor Model, Interaction theories, Skill acquisition theories, and Socio-cuttural theory provide theoretical basis for the research of corrective feedback (CF) from different angles. A typology of CF provides the research basis for the division of written CF as one of the variables the types of feedback. Written CF are divdied into six types by Ellis namely direct CF, indirect CF, meta-linguistic CF, focused/unfocused CF, reformulation CF and electric CF. Based on the typology of CF, second language researchers and teachers have been making tests on how different the written CF types are and what effect the various types of CF have on second language writing. The review of written CF research will give some implications on future study.
作者 金杰 张艳
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2016年第10期127-134,140,共9页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
基金 广东省教育厅教改课题"基于学习共同体的大学英语教学团队建设研究"(课题主持人:徐玲 课题编号:GDJG20142343) 广东技术师范学院校级教学改革重点项目"<新闻英语>课程资源库建设与应用"(课题主持人:张艳 课题编号:JYZD201511)研究成果之一
关键词 大学英语 写作教学 纠错性反馈 二语学习 College English writing teaching corrective feedback second language learning
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