目的跟踪调研某航空学校同一年级参加飞行训练的飞行学员人群,定期记录2年飞行训练的声导抗的变化,判断飞行学员鼓室曲线的变化趋势,根据研究结果判断鼓室曲线变化及咽鼓管功能的变化趋势,为防治飞行训练对高年级飞行学员咽鼓管功能的影响提供科学依据。方法随机抽取某航校2009级126名飞行学员进行声阻抗及声导纳检查,跟踪调查飞行训练2年的鼓室曲线变化,并根据2年的检测结果比较变化趋势。结果在调查的飞行学员人群中,招飞体检与飞行训练2年后鼓室曲线图进行t检验,差异无统计学意义(t=-1.638,P〉0.05),对2组数据进行卡方检验,差异无统计学意义(χ^2=0.113 8,P〉0.01)。结论参与飞行训练的高年级飞行学员,其鼓室曲线状态总体良好,但有部分因上呼吸道感染出现As曲线的应随访观察。
Objective Through a tracking survey of the pilot students' tympanic curve changes from a flight school within two years,we are planned to analyze the trend of the changes in purpose of offering scientific evidences of preventing the influences on pilots students' Eustachian tube function caused by flight training. Methods Randomly select 126 flight students from the same school who enrolled in 2009 and examine their acoustic impedance and admittance for two years in order to analyze the trend of changes based on the results. Results In people with the investigation of flying cadets,incurred check- up drum- type graph for test and flight training 2 years later,there was no statistically significant difference( t = 1. 638,P〉 1. 638),and chi- square test data of the two groups,there was no statistically significant difference( χ^2= 0. 113 8,P〉 0. 113 8). Conclusions The function of Eustachian tube of the flight students involved in the flight training is well,But there are some due to the upper respiratory tract infection in the As curve should be followed up to observe.
Journal of Aerospace medicine
Pilot students
Tympanic curve
Eustachian tube