目的:本研究旨在为川产"竹叶柴胡"临床用药的安全性和有效性提供科学依据,为科学评价柴胡属其它植物药用价值及资源的开发和利用奠定基础。方法:研究采用酵母致热法引起实验动物发热,测定大鼠直肠温度。采用四氯化碳(CCl4)法制备肝损伤模型。采用试剂盒测定小鼠血清中谷草转氨酶(GOT)、谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、丙二醛(MDA)含量和肝组织中谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量,结合HE染色病理组织切片镜检及评分分析,对马尔康柴胡地上部分和根部进行解热保肝药理作用的研究。采用最大给药量试验进行急性毒性试验。结果:解热试验中,与模型组比较,地上部分高、低剂量及地下部分高剂量组造模后2 h肛温明显降低,地上部分高剂量组在造模后4 h出现肛温降低。保肝实验中,与模型组相比,马尔康柴胡根及地上部分水提液可降低肝损伤小鼠血清GOT、GPT、MDA水平,提高肝组织GSH水平;结合病理学观察,给药后第2天肝损伤明显,至给药后第6天和第14天,肝损伤程度与对照组相比无明显差异。最大剂量给药时呈现一定程度可逆性肝脏急性毒性。结论:马尔康柴胡根部和地上入药部分具有与柴胡一致的解热、保肝作用,具有药用价值;其"量-效-毒"关系还需深入研究。
This study aimed to provide a scientific basis on the safety and efficacy of Bupleuri Herba in Sichuan for clinical use, and lay a fundation for its development and utilization and the evaluation of medicinal value of other plants belonging to Bupleuri. The febril rats were induced by yeast, and core temperature was tested. Hepatic injury model was established using CC14 injection. Enzyme standard instrument was used for detecting the indexes of liver function, including serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) from liver tissue. Combining with microscopic observation of liver tissue sections stained by HE staining and the related analysis, antipyretic and hepatoprotective effects of the roots and acrial part of B. malconense were explored. At last, acute toxicity test was also adopted. It was found that the core temperature of rats in the high- and low-dose B. malconense (acrial part) groups and in the high-dose B. malconense (roots) group significantly reduced 2 h after modeling, compared with the model group. 4 h after modeling, the core temperature of rats in the high-dose B. malconense (aerial part) group was also higher than that in the model group. Serum GOT, GPT and MDA levels and hepatic GSH level of hepatic injury rats increased, treated with water extracts of the roots and aerial parts of B. malconense. Morphologic observation showed that hepatic injury occurred on the 2na day of administration, while the situation of hepatic injury presented undifferentiated compared with that in the control group on the 6th and 14th day of administration. In addition, there was a reversible liver acute toxicity in maximum doses. According to these results, it was demonstrated that the pharmacological effects of B. malconense was consistent with the traditional efficacy of Radix Bupleuri, presenting its medicinal value. However, its "dose-effect-toxicity" relationship still needs to be explored profoundly.
Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
Bupleunum malconense, Bupleuri Herba, antipyresis, hepatoprotection, acute toxicity