

The “King” of The Academy—— Cai Qing is Endowing the Work “David” with Aura
摘要 学院作为艺术教育的殿堂,长期以来,一直象征着艺术教育的学术权威。但在多元性、开放性、交复性的当代艺术空间中,如何探究学院艺术与古典艺术、当代艺术的复杂关系虽然不是前沿性的学术问题,但至少是见仁见智的问题。因此,学院里的"国王"——蔡青对《大卫》的灵韵赋予1正是试图进一步探究这些问题。 Academy, the palace of art education, has long symbolized the academic authority of art education. How to explore the complicated relationship among academic art, classical art and contemporary art, in the diversified, open and interactive contemporary art space, is not a frontier academic research, but a question of individual difference. Therefore, The "King" of the Academy Cai Qing is trying to further explore these issues by endowing the work "David" with Aura.
作者 李磊
出处 《新疆艺术学院学报》 2016年第3期74-77,共4页 Journal of Xinjiang Arts University
关键词 学院艺术 当代艺术 《大卫》 艺术教育 灵韵 Academic art Contemporary art David Art education Aura
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  • 1[美]苏珊t桑塔格.沉默的关学[EB/OL].张田泽.http://zhan.renren.eom/h5/entry/3602888498045312177, (2013-12-22)[2016-3-15].
  • 2[德]弗里德羁希·黑格尔.美学(第一卷)[M].朱光潜译.北京:商务印书馆,1979:132.
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