
Analysis of a stochastic model for algal bloom with nutrient recycling

Analysis of a stochastic model for algal bloom with nutrient recycling
摘要 In this paper, the dynamics of a stochastic model for algal bloom with nutrient recy- cling is investigated. The model incorporates a white noise term in the growth equation of algae population to describe the effects of random fluctuations in the environment, and a nutrient recycling term in the nutrient equation to account for the conversion of detritus into nutrient. The existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution of the model is first proved. Then we study the long-time behavior of the model. Conditions for the extinction and persistence in the mean of the algae population are established. By using the theory of integral Markov semigroups, we show that the model has an invari- ant and asymptotically stable density. Numerical simulations illustrate our theoretical results.
出处 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2016年第6期59-85,共27页 生物数学学报(英文版)
基金 This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11271260), Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Committee (13ZZ116), Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (XTKX2012), Hujiang Foundation of China (B14005) and China Scholarship Council.
关键词 Stochastic nutrient-algae model ItS's formula stochastic stability integralMarkov semigroup stationary distribution. 模型分析 随机模型 营养循环 水华 种群增长方程 养分循环 正解的存在性 藻类种群
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