
我国首例输入性裂谷热病毒感染病例的实验室检测 被引量:7

Laboratory diagnosis of the first imported case of Rift Valley fever virus infection
摘要 目的对从安哥拉归国的1例传染病疑似病例开展实验室检测,确定病原体。方法采集血液、尿液和唾液样本,进行血常规和生化检测;从样本中提取核酸,同时使用实验室建立的荧光RT-PCR方法及两种商品化试剂盒,共检测14种传染病病原体核酸。结果血液生化检测显示谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、尿素氮(UN)、肌酐(CRE)指标均异常升高;实验室建立的方法和两种商品化试剂盒在血清、尿液、唾液样本中均检测到裂谷热病毒核酸阳性。结论根据实验室检测结果以及临床特征和流行病学特点,确定该归国疑似病例为我国首例输入性裂谷热病毒感染病例。 Objective To determine the pathogens in a suspected case of infectious diseases returned from Angola.Methods Blood routine test and biochemical profile were performed by automatic analyzer. Total RNA and DNA were extracted from serum,urine and saliva samples,and 14 kinds of pathogens were screened by Real-time RT-PCR(PCR) developed in house and commercial RT-PCR(PCR) kits. Results It was showed that AST,ALT,UN and CRE were extremely higher above normal level,Rift Valley fever virus(RVFV) was detected positive in serum,urine,saliva samples by using Real-time RT-PCR. Conclusion The suspected case was confirmed as the first imported case of RVFV infection considered with clinical feature, epidemiological characteristics,and the laboratory detection.
出处 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 2016年第4期233-236,共4页 Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine
关键词 裂谷热病毒 首例 输入性 口岸 Rift valley fever virus First case Imported Port
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