
领导干部“为官不为”的表现、原因和对策 被引量:10

On Officials' "Indolence in Fulfilling their Duties" : Symptoms,Causes and Countermeasures
摘要 基于北京市3个市级单位、6个区县的调研发现,领导干部"为官不为"问题主要表现在:消极懈怠、不想作为,畏首畏尾、不敢作为,花拳绣腿、不真作为,能力不足,不善作为。究其原因,从干部自身来看,主要是思想滑坡、能力欠缺;从干部管理工作来看,是激励有为、惩戒不为的导向不鲜明;从干部履职环境来看,是缺乏鼓励干事创业的良好氛围。解决"为官不为"问题,需要加快行政体制改革和政府职能转变,从体制机制上压缩产生"为官不为"问题的空间;加强思想政治教育,引导领导干部坚定理想信念、自觉奋发有为;深化干部人事制度改革,树立鼓励干事创业的鲜明用人导向;加强能力素质培训,提升干部履职尽责专业化水平;坚持从严管理监督,让干部不敢懈怠、不得不为。 Based on a questionnaire of over 3600 officials in 3 units at the municipal level and 6 districts or counties as well as interviews with 178 officials, this research finds that symptoms of officials" indolence" are mani- fested mainly in the following forms: inactive and slack, unwilling to perform their duties; timid and overcautious, shrinking from their duties ; dishonest and perfunctory, not earnest in performing their duties ; incapable and incom- petent to fulfill their duties. The causes lie in three aspects: in terms of the officials themselves, some are indeed slack in mind, or incompetent for their jobs ; in terms of management, there is no distinct orientation to motivate the competent and punish the indolent; and in terms of the environment for officials to fulfill their duties, there is no positive atmosphere to encourage them to take the initiative and live up to their responsibility. To solve the prob- lem, it is imperative to step up the reform of administrative system, crushing the space for the problem at the insti- tutional level. Secondly, strengthen political and ideological education, guiding officials to stick to their ideals and convictions, strive to make a difference. Third, deepen the reform of personnel system, fostering a clear - cut ori- entation for promotion and appointment of competent and innovative officials. Fourthly, enhance ability and compe- tence training, improving their professional expertise to fulfill their duties. In addition, exercise strict management and oversight, keeping them from being indolent and urge them to take an active approach to their work.
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2016年第3期67-74,共8页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
关键词 为官不为 行政体制改革 思想政治教育 人事制度改革 indolence in fulfilling one's duty reform of administrative system ideological and political education reform of personnel system
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