

The Design Application of Chinese Characters in the Project of Water and Sustainable Development
摘要 通过分析汉字、水与中华文明以及"水"字结构,将缺损的汉字挂片设计成装置艺术,表达保护水资源推动可持续发展的主题。采用图形会比意象组合,将与"水"相关的近二百汉字进行拆分组合的艺术设计,通过"水资源"装置艺术的强烈空间感、意境感和体验感,营造了水是不可或缺的宝贵资源的沉浸式感受,呼吁人们保护水资源,与自然和谐相处。 By analyzing Chinese characters' structure and design thought, water and Chinese civilization, and the character structure of water, put the pieces of broken Chinese characters into installations,convey the conception of protecting resource and promoting sustainable development. Chinese characters are the symbol of Chinese civilization, the birth of Chinese civilization, adopt symbolism to design nearly 200 of Chinese characters related to water. With strong sense of space of installation art, artistic conception and experience to make people realize that water is a precious resource and call for people to protect water resources and be in harmony with nature.
作者 陈淑姣 于凯
出处 《创意设计源》 2016年第5期11-15,共5页 Idea & Design
基金 北京市教委社科计划面上项目(SM201310858001)
关键词 汉字 水资源 设计 Chinese character Water Design
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