抗菌药物药代动力学/药效动力学( PK/PD)研究将浓度-时间-效应三者有机地结合起来,用以说明给予特定剂量药物后其在体内的药理作用随时间的变化趋势。 PK/PD研究的应用有助于临床医师优化给药方案、减少药物不良反应的发生、控制耐药率,同时对推进敏感性折点改进和新药研发亦有重要作用。该文综述近年来有关抗细菌药物和抗真菌药物的PK/PD研究,以期为临床制订安全、有效的个体化给药方案提供理论依据。
The pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics ( PK/PD) of antimicrobials aims to establish and evaluate dose-concentration-response relationship, and subsequently to describe and predict the effect-time courses resulting from a drug dose.Nowadays, PK/PD is playing an important role in dosage regimen optimizing, reducing toxicity and drug tolerance of antibiotics.And it is also of great significance in determining susceptibility breakpoints and development in new drug.This paper reviews the progress on PK/PD studies of antibacterial and antifungal agents to provide theoretical basis for safe and effective individual dosage regimens.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases