

On the Onomatopoeia and Syllabification of “biáng” in Shaanxi Dialect
摘要 音节的组构涉及到语言的发音、韵律、构词等,有关音节的描述、处理以及习得的探讨,对语言研究和语言教学都关系重大。"biángbiáng面"作为一种陕西的特色小吃,流传甚广,其汉字形式"■"字在三秦大地也广为人知。然而,各类字典以及汉语字库中并未收录其书写形式。因此,对陕西方言中的特殊汉字""字的拟声理据和成音节性问题进行分析,探究其成字的理据,一方面可以让更多的人了解"■"字,另一方面也可以为开发该字的计算机处理程序,提供理论上的支撑。 The structure of syllables is related to the pronunciation,prosodies,and word-formation of a language.And the description,processing,and acquisition of the phonological systems of syllables will exert a great influence on language studies and language education.'Biángbiáng noodles',as a special snack in Shaanxi province,spread far and wide,and the Chinese character'biáng'is also well known in Shaanxi.However,the written form is not included in all kinds of contemporary dictionaries as well as Chinese font.Therefore,the analysis of the onomatopoeia and syllabification,and the exploration of the coming into being of the special character in Shaanxi dialect can help more people understand the'biáng'character on the one hand.On the other hand,we also hope to develop the function of word-building in word processing so as to provide convenience for people to type the character.
作者 赵永刚
机构地区 西安外国语大学
出处 《当代外语研究》 2016年第4期27-33,93,共7页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划青年基金项目"英汉韵律结构音系-句法接口对比研究"(编号14YJC740124) 陕西省哲学社会科学基金项目"基于韵律音系学的陕西方言韵律研究"(编号2015K005) 陕西省教育厅人文社会科学专项科研计划项目"陕西方言韵律结构的音系-句法接口研究"(编号15JK1613)的阶段性研究成果
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