
论莫言小说英译研究中的误读与误释 被引量:4

On the Misreading and Misinterpretations in the Study of the English Translation of Mo Yan's Works
摘要 自莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖以来,国内外学者、作家、文学评论家、新闻媒体等对莫言及其作品关注的热度与日俱增。早在莫言获奖之前,国内就已经有学者针对作者的某个或若干英译本对葛浩文的翻译观(思想)、翻译策略、译介效果等进行了研究,但是对莫言作品及其英译本、主要译者葛浩文等一直存在着误读与误释的现象,不仅产生了错误的评判,更使这种评判以讹传讹。针对这一现象,本文首先澄清了莫言小说英译本中删改之名与实,接着对除葛浩文外莫言小说的其他三名英译者进行了介绍,最后通过案例分析,指出莫言小说英译研究中因对原文理解不足、例证无解释力度、引征不确、考证不严、以偏概全、牵强附会、泛意识形态化等引起的对译者、原文、译文的种种误读。 As a 2012 Nobel Prize laureate in literature,Mo Yan has ignited an explosion of global interests in the author and his works as well as in modern Chinese literature as a whole.Mo Yan's English translators and the English versions of his works have also caught the attention of mass media and academic circles alike,evidenced by aproliferation of publications on this subject,including newspaper reports,journal articles,research papers,and books.Plenty of research has been done on Howard Goldblatt,the main translator of Mo Yan's works,and his English translations by examining his translation theories,skills,and strategies.Past and present studies however,are beset by problems arising from misunderstandings of the translator and his translated works.This paper starts with the aim of clarifying these misunderstandings about the translator and his English translations of Mo Yan's works,followed by an introduction of the other three English translators apart from Howard Goldblatt and a detailed analysis of the various misreading and misinterpretations of the translator,and the original and translated texts.
作者 安芳
机构地区 四川大学
出处 《当代外语研究》 2016年第4期78-87,94,共10页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
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