

Demographic Power Paradigm and Contemporary Non-traditional Security
摘要 人口权力范式分为强制性人口权力范式、制度性人口权力范式、结构性人口权力范式和生产性人口权力范式,从权力作用所依赖的社会关系看,第一种范式又可称为内生性人口权力范式,后三种范式又可称为外生性人口权力范式。内生性人口权力范式所包含的权力作用进程发生于既有的国际行为体间的关系之中,而外生性人口权力范式所包含的权力作用进程与行为体间关系的建构过程是同步发生的。国际政治实践证明,强制性人口权力以大国人口安全建构为中间进程进一步影响着国际权势转移,结构性人口权力以激发人口安全困境为中间进程成为国际冲突的诱因之一,制度性人口权力和生产性人口权力则以安全概念建构与安全话语规制为中间进程影响着国家安全和全球治理。 Demographic power paradigm is constituted by compulsory demographic power, institutional demographic power, structural demographic power and productive demographic power, and from the perspective of the international social relation that power function relies with, the first paradigm can he called endogenous demographic power paradigm, the latter three paradigms can he called exogenous demographic power paradigm. Endogenous power paradigm occurs in the relation that already exists among the international actors, while the happening process of exogenous demographic power paradigm is synchronized to the constructing process of international relation among international actors.The practice of international politics proves that compulsory demographic power takes the construction of demographic security of great powers as the intermediate process to affect the international transfer of power, and structural demographic power causes international conflicts for stimulating demographic security dilemma.Meanwhile, institutional demographic power and productive demographic power takes the construction of concepts of security and the regulation of safety discourse as the intermediate process to affect national security and global governance.
作者 何晓跃 He Xiaoyue
出处 《理论界》 2016年第9期116-124,共9页 Theory Horizon
基金 2015年度国家社会科学基金重点项目"中国及新兴大国群体在国际秩序变革中的地位和作用研究"(项目编号:15AZD027) 2015年度浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目"美国少数族裔人口变化与国家治理发展方向的互动与规律研究"(项目编号:15NDJC248YB)的研究成果 "南京大学亚太发展研究中心"学术资助
关键词 人口权力 范式 关系建构 非传统安全 衍生后果 demographic power paradigm constmction of relation non-traditional security derivative consequences
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