

Uncover the Colonial Mask and Awaken Identity Consciousness: In the Castle of My Skin from the Perspective of Post- Colonial Criticism
摘要 乔治·拉明的代表作《在我皮肤的城堡里》是一部自传体长篇小说,它以20世纪三四十年代加勒比动荡不安的社会为背景,通过对主人公G所在的克莱顿村的学校教育和村民生活的描写,揭示了无处不在的殖民统治和文化霸权影响。小说结尾通过描写从美国回来的特拉姆普尔让G认识到了种族身份问题并最终踏上离乡之路,展现了作家力图通过自我流放,找寻自我身份,唤醒民族身份意识。从后殖民批评视角,探讨《在我皮肤的城堡里》的反殖民和身份意识觉醒主题。 In the Castle of My Skin is a representative autobiographical novel of George Lamming, and it takes Caribbean' s turbulent society in the 1930s and 1940s as lage life of Creighton where the protagonist G lives, Lamming setting. By depicting the school education and vii- reveals the ubiquitous colonial activities and cultur al hegemony. At the end of the novel, the description of Trumper, after his return from America, making G know the racial identity, and G leaving his own country show that the writer strives to explore self - identity and to awaken the consciousness of national identity by self - imposed exile. This paper sl-dies the themes of anti - colonization and the awakening of identity consciousness from the perspective of post -colonial criticism.
作者 张璇 孙妮
出处 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期67-71,共5页 Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Social Science
基金 2012年度国家社会科学基金项目"战后英国移民文学研究"(12BWW050)
关键词 乔治·拉明 《在我皮肤的城堡里》 反殖民 身份意识觉醒 George lamming In the Castle of My Skin anti - colonization the awakening of identity consciousness
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