Who drew the borders between central and peripheral nervous sys tem? A complex question but a simple answer. Human anatomy and clinical neurology need to differentiate peripheral nerves from central nervous system (CNS), peripheral or central disorders, respectively. However, there are no anatomical and functional clefts between peripheral axons and central synaps- es. There is a direct continuity from the periphery to the center, from the receptor to the sensory neuron, from the spinal motor neuron to the muscle, just the neuromuscular junction.
Who drew the borders between central and peripheral nervous sys tem? A complex question but a simple answer. Human anatomy and clinical neurology need to differentiate peripheral nerves from central nervous system (CNS), peripheral or central disorders, respectively. However, there are no anatomical and functional clefts between peripheral axons and central synaps- es. There is a direct continuity from the periphery to the center, from the receptor to the sensory neuron, from the spinal motor neuron to the muscle, just the neuromuscular junction.