
“海丝”合作下的越南交通基建需求与舆论态度 被引量:5

Vietnam's Needs on Transport Infrastructure Under the Maritime Silk Road Cooperation and Its Attitudes
摘要 在区域合作成为当今全球化条件下经济持续发展必然趋势的背景下,中国政府提出"一带一路"战略构想。作为传统海上丝绸之路的沿线国家之一,越南经济形势稳定,在对外开放、融入全球化体系层面还有巨大潜力;但交通基建滞后目前已成为制约越南经济发展的瓶颈问题,而21世纪"海上丝绸之路"战略构想正好为越南提供了交通基建发展的重大机遇,成为其未来经济发展的可能增长点。然而,对于21世纪"海上丝绸之路"构想,越南社会表现出或支持、或观望等态度,这一表现源于各种复杂因素,或将影响越南参与合作的广度和深度。因此,中国、越南需要进一步加强合作与互信,尤其是越南方面,需要发挥积极因素,把握"一带一路"构想带来的机遇,实现经济层面的突破增长和外交关系的良性发展。 As regional cooperation has become the developing trend of the economic globalization,the Chinese government put forward the Belt and Road initiative. Vietnam,as one of the countries along the traditional"Maritime Silk Road"and with the stable economy,will play an important role in the regional cooperation. In present Vietnam,insufficiency of transport infrastructure is the cause to economic backwardness,so the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road will create opportunities to improve the infrastructure for Vietnam. Nevertheless,due to various reasons,not all Vietnamese give a positive outlook towards the initiative,instead substantial numbers take a wait-and-see attitude,which will exert a significant impact on the role of Vietnam. Therefore,mutual trust should be strengthened between Vietnam and China. And Vietnam,in particular,should be more positive and seize the opportunity to promote domestic economic growth and enhance the healthy development of external relations.
作者 阳阳
出处 《南海学刊》 2016年第3期91-99,共9页 The Journal of South China Sea Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目(15XGJ007)
关键词 21世纪“海上丝绸之路” 越南 交通基建需求 舆论态度 Vietnam 21st Century Maritime Silk Road infrastructure needs attitudes
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