目的:探究新鲜水果摄入是否可以降低食管癌的长期死亡风险。方法:1985年3月选取林县年龄为40-69岁受试者29 479例,开展基线人口特征、生活习惯、疾病史和回顾性膳食调查,随后对该人群进行随访至2015年12月约31.79年。以食管癌的死亡病例为研究终点,利用Cox等比例风险模型估计基线新鲜水果摄入对食管癌死亡风险的长期影响。结果:31.09%的受试人群基线调查报告每周摄入新鲜水果1次以上。与不食用新鲜水果的人群相比,每周摄入新鲜水果1次以上食管癌的长期死亡风险降低7%,这种现象在男性(11%)和吸烟人群(13%)中尤为明显。结论:新鲜水果的摄入可能降低食管癌的长期死亡风险,其详细的病因学机制仍需进一步研究。
Objective: To investigate the long-term risk of esophageal cancer from fresh fruit consumption. Methods: In 1985, a total of 29,479 participants aged between 40 and 69 years old were recruited for this study. Demographic characteristics, lifestyle, history of diseases, and food intake frequency were surveyed at the baseline and were then followed up. Through December 31, 2015, a median of 31.79 years of observation was obtained. The primary endpoint was death from esophageal cancer. The hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals for fresh fruit consumption were calculated using a Cox proportional hazard model. Results: Overall, 31.09% of participants reported consuming fresh fruit more than once every week. Compared with participants who never or rarely consumed fresh fruit, those who consumed fresh fruit more than once a week had a lower long-term risk of esophageal cancer. Death rate decreased to 7% among those who ate fresh fruit more than once a week, especially among males (11%) and those with positive smoking history (13%). Conclusion: Fresh fruit consumption is associated with a lower risk of death from esophageal cancer, but the etiological mechanism needs to be investigated further.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
esophageal cancer, fresh fruit consumption, prospective cohort study