
意大利准从属性劳动制度剖析及其启示 被引量:40

The Analysis of Para-subordinate( or-dependent)Work of Italian Law and Its Inspiration
摘要 在我国现阶段,灵活就业规模快速扩大,但归类于劳务关系亦即自治性劳动的灵活就业者,却不在劳动法保护范围内,且民法因固守于平等保护而不予倾斜保护。意大利劳动法中的准从属性劳动制度,是创设和完善于20世纪70年代以来、以自治性劳动中的准从属性劳动者为保护对象的特别法制度。它从未受到传统民法倾斜保护。基于因劳务提供者的契约弱势而需要人格保护和实质公平保障的价值取向,以"持续与协同的合作关系"为一般要件,筛选出自治性劳动的若干类型作为准从属性劳动给予分类倾斜保护。这是意大利劳动法适应后福特制社会和全球化浪潮的制度创新,即打破了对从属性劳动保护而对自治性劳动不保护的传统二元体系,劳动法转型为"那些劳动的法",并推进私法的进一步社会化。受此启示,我国劳动法整体架构的发展方向应当是,适度拓宽劳动者保护的范围,细化并增多劳动者保护的分类,注重与民法社会化的同步协调;至于其中准从属性劳动者的保护,则可以将其定位于民法社会化的特别法制度,并将"确定保护理由→界定保护范围→配置保护措施→选择立法模式"作为准从属性劳动制度构建的重点。 At present expands rapidly the scale of China' s flexible employment of which there is a type categorized in self - employment which isn' t protected by labor law and civil law doesn't give tilt protection. The system of para- subordinate (or- dependent) work of Italian labor law was created in the 1970s and from self - employment relationships traditionally governed and non specifically protected by civil law chose a type of relationship of cooperation continuative and coordinated as its object of protection. The system' s value orientation bases on the guarantee of substantive justice and the protection of personality of self - employed in contractual weakness. The construction of para - subordinate work represents a institutional innovation of Italian labor law in order to deal with the coming of Post - fordism society and the challenges of globalization. Since then, the traditional binary system between subordinate e protected work e autonomous e non protected work was broke, Italian labor law achieved a transition from "diritto del lavoro" to "diritto dei lavori", private law further realized the socialization. By this revelation, China' s labor law should appropriately broaden the scope of protection, refine and increase the classification of protection, pay attention to the coordination and synchronization of socialization of civil law. As regards the protection of para- subordinate workers it should be positioned as a special law system of socialization of civil law and institutionalized according to the following steps : determine the justification of protection, define the scope of protection, allocate protection measures and select the legislative pattern.
作者 王全兴 粟瑜
出处 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期102-115,共14页 Law Science Magazine
基金 2014年国家社科基金重大项目"中国民法重述 民法典编簒与社会主义市场经济法律制度的完善"(批准号14ZDC018) 2015年国家社科基金重大项目"创新中国特色劳动关系协调机制研究"(批准号ZDA049)的阶段性成果
关键词 意大利劳动法 准从属性劳动 自治性劳动 劳动法多元化 Italian Labor Law para - subordinate work self - employment pluralization of labor law
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