
从《猫原边……》看爱尔兰流浪族群的文化身份危机与重构 被引量:1

Hester Swayne's Identity as an Irish Traveller in Marina Carr's By the Bog of Cats…
摘要 爱尔兰流浪族群是一支处于主流社会边缘的游牧少数群体。定居社群对该族群长期施加的"他者"陈规以及在文化和空间层面的排挤迫使后者以对抗的姿态向主流文化传统发起挑战,并试图重构其文化身份。本文聚焦于当代爱尔兰女剧作家玛丽娜·卡尔的代表剧作《猫原边……》中海斯特·斯维恩的爱尔兰流浪者身份,结合当时的社会文化语境来考察她所遭受的歧视与压迫对爱尔兰流浪族群的生存困境的映射,并探析卡尔,通过沼泽原为海斯特所属流浪族群探寻文化身份,创造地理想象空间的文化策略。这一解读有助于读者意识到剧作家将爱尔兰流浪者形象重新搬上舞台的真正意图,即彰显流浪族群在建构爱尔兰多元文化身份中不可或缺的作用和促使当代爱尔兰人意识到多元文化、不同社群之间进行"对话"与"协商"的必要性。 Irish Travellers, an ethnic minority identified as nomadic, have long been marginalized and reduced to the inarticulate internal "Other", due to the racism and colonial stereotypes imposed by the Settled Community in Ireland. This paper is intended to interpret Hester Swayne's identity as an Irish Traveller in Marina Carr's By the Bog of Cats… by referring to the concept of "The Other", as adopted in postcolonial studies. This paper aims to examine how Carr exposes the cultural displacement Hester encounters, and foregrounds the bog landscape as an imaginative geographical space for Irish Travellers to quest their sense of cuhural belonging. It is argued that the playwright shows deep humanistic concern to Irish Travellers and attempts to highlight their indispensable part in constructing "Irishness" characterized by heterogeneity rather than homogeneity.
作者 祁亚平
出处 《戏剧艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期62-64,65-70,共9页 Theatre Arts
基金 2013年度安徽省高等学校省级优秀青年人才基金重点项目"当代爱尔兰戏剧的文化政治阐释(1964-2010)"(2013SQRW023ZD)的阶段性成果
关键词 玛丽娜·卡尔 《猫原边……》 爱尔兰流浪族群 沼泽原 Marina Carr By the Bog of Cats… Irish Travellers bog
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