
2015年~2016年江苏盐城地区市场活禽与野生鸟类中J亚型禽白血病分子病原学调查 被引量:4

Molecular epidemiology of subgroup J avian leukosis virus from poultry markets and wild birds during 2015 to 2016
摘要 为调查江苏省盐城地区市场活禽与野生鸟类中J亚型禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)的感染情况,本研究于2015年~2016年采集市场活禽粪便样品636份、野生鸟类粪便样品826份,提取RNA后利用荧光定量PCR方法检测ALV-J;利用普通PCR扩增阳性样品gp85基因,并进行克隆测序。荧光定量PCR结果显示,636份活禽粪便样品中有7份为阳性、826份野生鸟类粪便样品为阴性。PCR扩增、克隆测序得到2个当地土鸡ALV-J分离株的gp85基因,与国内外ALV-J参考病毒株同源性为87.6 %~95.3 %,并且2个样品在进化树的不同分支。本研究结果显示,市场活禽存在ALV-J感染,野生鸟类并未发现ALV-J,表明加强活禽流通过程中禽白血病的防控工作势在必行,同时需继续加强对野生鸟类中ALV-J的监测。 To investigate the infection status of subgroup J of avian leukosis virus (ALV-J) in live poultry markets and wild bird flocks in Yancheng, Jiangsu province, a total of 826 fecal samples from wild birds and 636 fecal samples from live poultry markets were collected and subjected to ALV-J detection by real-time PCR. The results shown no any positive sample was detected in the samples from wild birds, and only 7 positive samples were detected from live poultry markets. In addition, the gp85 gene of ALV-J were amplified from the 2 positive samples by PCR and sequenced for further analysis. The sequence analysis revealed that 2 positive gp85 gene (921 bp) of the ALV-J belonged to different genetic branch, The homology analysis showed 87.6% to 95.3% homology compared with domestic and international ALV-J reference strains. In conclusion, ALV-J infection existed in live poultry markets, more attention should be paid in preventing and controlling the transmission of ALV-J among wild birds.
出处 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期748-750,共3页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家公益性行业(农业)科技专项(201203055) 江苏省动物预防医学重点实验室开放课题
关键词 盐城地区 活禽市场 野生鸟类 J亚型禽白血病病毒 poultry markets wild birds subgroup J of avian leukosis virus
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