

Group Homes: International Practice and Enlightenment from the Rehabilitation and Caring of Elderly People with Intellectual Disabilities
摘要 随着我国老龄人口的逐步增加,智障者的老龄化现象也同时显现。由于智障者具有独特的身心需求,因此高龄智障者的康复服务问题是我国未来老龄事业面临的重要议题。国外团体家屋的康复服务模式,兼顾了专业康复服务和家庭康复护理维系亲情联系的优点,同时,避免了机构康复服务资金投入大和家庭康复护理缺乏专业知识的缺点,成为高龄智障者康复服务的一种重要模式。考察国外团体家屋的成功经验做法,可为我国高龄智障者的康复服务提供诸多有益的参考。 With the gradual increase of the aging population in China,the aging of people with intellectual disabilities arises. since people with intellectual disabilities have unique mental and physical needs,the rehabilitation and caring of the elderly people with intellectual disabilities is an important topic in the future aging-related work. The rehabilitation and caring modes of group homes abroad have advantages in that they attach equal importance to both the professional and the familial rehabilitation and caring,which help maintain family ties,and avoid such disadvantages as excessive investment in institutional rehabilitation and caring,and lack of professional knowledge about familial rehabilitation and caring. Therefore,a probe into the successful experience and practice of group homes abroad helps provide useful reference for the rehabilitation and caring of the elderly people with intellectual disabilities in China.
作者 王波
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期30-35,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 山东省教育科学"十二五"规划重大招标课题<山东省特殊教育的内涵发展与保障支持系统研究>(课题批准号:VZ15008)的阶段性成果
关键词 团体家屋 高龄智障者 智障者 康复服务 group home elderly people with intellectual disabilities people with intellectual disabilities rehabilitation service
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