
主要国家科技管理信息系统的建设经验与启示 被引量:8

Experiences and Inspirations of the Construction of National Science and Technology Management Information System in Several Foreign Countries
摘要 在深入推进我国科技计划管理改革的过程中,建设完善国家科技管理信息系统成为重要的工作之一。在国外,利用科技管理信息系统提高政府管理效率,并为各类科技创新主体提供服务十分普遍。本文围绕我国科技管理信息系统建设的需求,对美国、欧盟、日本和韩国等主要国家的科技管理信息系统进行了调研,分析了其特点及建设经验和主要做法,并在基础上,对如何更好地推动我国科技管理信息系统的建设进行了简单的讨论。 Within the progress of the reform of Chinese Science and Technology Program, it is necessary to construct an integrated National S&T Management Information System (NSTMI). Utilizing S&T Management Information System to improve efficiency of governmental management and provide service for all kinds of innovation related actors arc very common in foreign countries. Base on the requirements of the construction of Chinese NSTMI, the experiences and measurements of the construction of NSTMIs in several foreign countries, such as Unite States, European Union, Japan and South Korean are investigated and analyzed. The inspirations with respect to the construction of China NSTMI based on the foreign experiences are briefly discussed.
作者 徐峰 王玲 张翼燕 任洪波 黄军英 刘润生 张丽娟 封颖 Xu Feng Wang Ling Zhang Yiyan Ren Hongbo Huang Junying Liu Rensheng Zhang Lijuan Feng Ying(Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038)
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期939-945,共7页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
关键词 科技管理 信息系统 研发项目 启示 science and technology management,information system, R&D project, inspiration
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