对3D位移传感器在滚筒洗衣机上的应用进行分析和试验研究。首先以3D位移传感器为研究对象,分析其工作原理;其次对测量系统进行评估(Measurement System Evaluation,简称MSE),确保测量系统的精密度;最后测得脱水过程中悬挂系统3轴向振动位移量。通过对测试数据的分析,判定偏心所在的位置,并对不同机器进行试验验证,证实结论的可靠性。
In this paper, we use the experiment to research the 3D displacement sensor in the application of the drum washing ma-chine. Firstly,the research ohject is a 3D displacement sensor, analyzing its working principle. Secondly, the Measurement Sys-tem has been evaluated ( Measure - ment System Evaluation, for short MSE) , to ensure the precision of the Measurement System.Last but not the least, measure three axial vibration displacement in the process of the spin of suspension system. The unbalancelocation has been determined through the analysis of test data, and the experiment has been done in the different machines to en-sure the reliability of test results.
Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology:Natural Science Edition