

The Perspective of Institutional Change of the State-owned Assets Management System under the Rule of Law
摘要 国有资产管理体制改革是深化国有企业改革的重要一环。以制度变迁理论为考察视角,梳理国有资产管理体制的变迁与不足,分析国有资产管理体制变迁中非正式制度内部失衡、正式制度滞后供给以及路径依赖性不当影响的内在缘由,而后从确保非正式制度与正式制度的平衡,正式制度有效供给的方面提出破解思路,以消解国有资产管理体制渐进式改革的不足,理清政府、市场、企业运作的边界,进而完善国有资产管理体制法治化的路径。 The state-owned assets management system transformation is one of important aspects in the reform of national enterprises. We shall research the changes and deficiency of the state-owned assets management system and analyze the rea- sons of internal imbalances of the informal system, the lag supply of formal system and the influence of path dependence. Then the suggestions on the effective supply of formal institution should be put forward to ensure the balance of informal and formal institution, resolve the shortage of the progressive reform of national assets management system and clarify the boundary of responsibilities in government, market and enterprise. According to these, it is possible to improve the management system for state-owned assets under the rule of law.
作者 汪恭政
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《湖北经济学院学报》 2016年第5期100-107,共8页 Journal of Hubei University of Economics
关键词 国有资产 制度变迁 管理体制 state-owned assets institutional change management system
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