
我国中医药高等院校药事管理学相关本科专业设置情况分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Related Undergraduate Majors Setting of Discipline of Pharmacy Administration in Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine
摘要 通过对我国各中医药院校药事管理学相关专业设置情况的总结和统计,分析中医药院校药事管理学相关专业在本科层次的设置情况,并提出完善性建议。我国现有24所中医药院校中,23所院校均开设有药事管理学相关专业或方向,开设公共事业管理(20所)和市场营销专业(16所)的院校较多,多数中医药院校(13所)在管理学院设置药事管理学相关专业。中医药院校药事管理学相关专业教育体系日趋成熟,但是,仍有必要从促进药事管理学相关专业定位的多元化、专业方向设计紧密结合行业管理政策和医药产业经济发展的客观需求、引入体现中医药特色的专业方向和教学内容等方面进行完善。 This study aims to analyze the status of the discipline of pharmacy administration and related majors in colleges of traditional Chi- nese medicine. 23 Colleges of traditional Chinese Medicine have established pharmacy administration discipline. There are 20 and 16 colleges which have established the major of public administration or marketing, respectively. 13 colleges have the majors in the school of management. Thus, the educational system has been greatly improved. It is necessary to promote the diversification of the discipline of pharmacy administration positioning, design the related majors according to industrial policy and the development of industrial economy, add professional directions and teaching contents that can reflect the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine.
出处 《医学与社会》 2016年第10期95-97,共3页 Medicine and Society
关键词 中医药院校 本科 专业设置 药事管理 College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Undergraduate Education Major Setting Pharmacy Administration
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