目的探讨意识障碍患者较易发生误吸的原因及防治措施。方法回顾分析2008年1月—2014年1月该科收治的40例意识障碍并发误吸患者发生原因、治疗、预后,并探讨其相应的防治措施。与同时期非意识障碍患者发生误吸10例相比较。结果 50例误吸抢救成功41例,因误吸死亡9例。气管切开25例,气管插管15例。应用纤维支气管镜治疗29例,其他方法如反复吸痰等21例。结论意识障碍患者误吸的发生率明显高于非意识障碍患者误吸发生率,误吸可导致严重呼吸系统及其他系统并发症,明显增加患者病死率和致残率,采取一些积极有效措施可明显地降低病死率和致残率。
Objective To discuss the causes and prevention measures of more aspiration in patients with consciousness disorders. Methods A retrospective analysis on concurrent causes, treatment and prognosis in 40 cases of patients with aspiration from January 2008 to January 2013 in author's department, then to explore its corresponding control measures. And in the same period, 10 cases of aspiration occurs in patients not with disturbance of consciousness were selected the control. Results Thirty- three of forty cases of aspiration were successful rescued, 7 patients died from aspiration. Tracheotomy was in 25 cases, tracheal intubAtion in 15 cases, fibrotic bronchoscopy in 19 cases, and other methods in 21 cases such as repeated sputum. Conclusions Aspiration in patients with disturbance of consciousness significantly higher than the incidence of prevalence of aspiration in patients with disturbance of consciousness. It can lead to serious complications of respiratory system and other system, a significant increase in mortality and disability. We should to adopt positive and effective measures to prevente it.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine
Disturbance of consciousness
Cause analysis and control