

Ihde's " Relativistic" Ontology and Its Revelation for Weakening the Value Alienation of Technology
摘要 规避技术价值的异化是技术哲学兴起的根本初衷。伊德的现象学在国际上已具广泛影响,他的"相对论的"本体论思想虽然是从胡塞尔的现象学出发的,但是由于借鉴了爱因斯坦的相对论等科学,所以能够较好地为其主体性风格进行客观性辩护。也正因如此,伊德的"相对论的"本体论"调和"了物质论和观念论的内在矛盾,不仅为更多的人所接受,而且为更好地理解人—技术—世界的关系提供了新的平台,并进而对弱化技术价值异化这个至今悬而未决的大问题不无启示。 To avoid the value alienation of technology is the fundamental purpose for the arising of philosophy of tech- nology. Ihde's phenomenology already has extensive influence in the world. Although his thought of "relativistic" on- tology comes from Husserl's phenomenology, with reference to the science such as Einstein's theory of relativity, so it can well defended for its objectivity from the subjectivity style. Just for this reason, Idhe's "relativistic" ontology "me- diate" the internal contradictions of materialism and idealism, it is not only accepted by more people, hut also better useful understanding the relationship between "people--technology--the world" for providing a new platform, and then it is useful to weaken the value alienation of technology which is an unresolved hig problem.
作者 文祥 WEN Xiang(School of Marxism, Hunan University of Arts and Science, Changde , Hunan 415000, China)
出处 《长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第5期26-32,共7页 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
基金 湖南省社会科学基金项目(14YBA037)
关键词 伊德 相对论的 本体论 弱化 技术价值异化 Don Ihde relativistic ontology weaken value alienation of technology
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