

Diagnosis and Treatment of 68 Cases of Children With Chronic Gastritis
摘要 目的研究小儿慢性胃炎临床特征以及对症治疗方法。方法对68例慢性胃炎的儿童进行发病原因分析,使用血清学鉴定是否源于幽门螺杆菌感染,对症治疗患者。结果发病原因调查:68例患者中,45例有不规律饮食、偏食现象。54例源于幽门螺杆菌感染,4例源于胆汁回流,8例源于不良饮食,2例其他原因。结果上腹间断痛37例,食欲不振41例,反酸、腹部胀32例,消瘦无力23例。根据患儿的不同病因、临床症状及病情进展情况,采取个性化治疗后,68例患者临床症状有明显改善者49例,胃黏膜炎症有所减轻,临床治疗有效率为86.8%。而Hp阳性有效率高于Hp阴性组。结论治疗时应根据患儿不同病因、临床症状及病情进展情况,采取个性化对症治疗,以改善临床症状,减轻胃黏膜炎症,提高临床治愈率。 Objective To study the clinical characteristics and treatment of children with chronic gastritis. Methods 68 cases of children with chronic gastritis were analyzed, the use of serological identification from Helicobacter pylori infection, symptomatic treatment of patients. Results Etiology survey: 68 patients, 45 cases of irregular diet, the partial eclipse phenomenon. 54 cases originated from Helicobacter pylori infection, 4 cases from bile reflux, 8 cases from poor diet, 2 cases of other reasons. Results Intermittent abdominal pain in 37 cases, 41 cases of 32 cases of anorexia, acid reflux, abdominal distension, weight loss and weak in 23 cases. According to different etiology, clinical symptoms and disease in children with progress, individualized treatment, clinical symptoms of 68 patients improved in 49 cases, gastric mucosal inflammation reduced, clinical effective rate of 86.8%. And the positive rate of Hp was higher than that of Hp negative group. Conclusion Treatment should be based on the different causes, clinical symptoms and disease progression, to take personalized symptomatic treatment, in order to improve clinical symptoms, reduce gastric mucosal inflammation, improve the clinical cure rate.
作者 尹君平
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2016年第27期94-96,共3页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 小儿慢性胃炎 诊断 个性化治疗 Children with chronic gastritis Diagnosis Individualized treatment
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