
零供关系中的依赖结构:消费者真的可以被忽略吗? 被引量:8

The Interdependence Structure in Supplier-Retailer Relationships: Should Consumers Be Neglected?
摘要 传统渠道行为研究中,消费者对零售商-供应商关系中渠道行为的影响很少受到关注。论文以百货商店与运动休闲服饰品牌供应商关系为研究背景,将消费者纳入渠道依赖研究框架,利用零售商和消费者的双边配对数据实证检验了消费者对零售商的店铺忠诚和对供应商的品牌忠诚行为对零供关系中依赖结构的影响,以及零售商顾客忠诚计划对上述关系的调节作用。研究发现消费者的品牌忠诚对零售商依赖有显著正向影响;消费者的店铺忠诚则对供应商依赖有显著正向影响;零售商的顾客忠诚计划显著增强消费者店铺忠诚对供应商依赖的影响,削弱消费者品牌忠诚对零售商依赖的影响。研究发现对突破渠道行为理论传统的二元分析范式,关注消费者在渠道行为研究中的作用具有重要启发意义。 The effects of consumers on the behaviors within the supplier-retailer dyads are seldom explored in the traditional channel be- havioral researches. Taking the relationships between department stores and sports and leisure brands suppliers as research context, the present research includes consumers into a framework of channel dependence. We empirically test the effects of consumers' loyalty to suppliers' brands and department stores on the interdependence structure within the supplier-retailer dyads, and the moderating role of retailers' consumer loyalty programs with a two sided matched data from retailers and consumers. The results show that consumers' brand loyalty positively influences the dependence of retailer on the supplier ; while consumers' store loyahy positively influences suppli- er' s dependence on the retailer. Retailers' consumer loyalty programs strengthen the effect of consumers' store loyalty on supplier' s dependence on the retailer, and weaken the effect of consumers' brand loyalty on retailer' s dependence on the supplier. The paper discusses the theoretical and managerial implications and points out the limitations and future research directions.
作者 张闯 庄贵军 杨志林 张杨 Zhang Chuang Zhuang Guijun Yang Zhilin Zhang Yang(School of Business Administration, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dlian 116025 School of Management, Xi' an Jiaotong University, Xi' an 710049 Department of Marketing, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期134-147,共14页 Management Review
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71202038) 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划项目(NCET-13-0708)
关键词 渠道依赖 品牌忠诚 店铺忠诚 零供关系 网络嵌入 channel dependence, brand loyalty, store loyalty, supplier-retailer relationship, network embeddedness
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