In an area like the Antaibao coal mine, where extensive and rapid opencast mining is going on continuously, long-term reclamation monitoring is important. Accurate information of vegetation fraction is important for assessing how mining activities affect the ecosystem in mining areas. The principal components (PCs) for vegetation indices (VIs) are obtained by principal components analysis (PCA). A remote sensing method based on vegetation cover monitoring and assessment by using Landsat data sets with the temporal coverage from 1990 to 2010 was presented and applied to the Antaibao opencast mine, Shanxi Province, China. To reduce the impact of phenology on remote sensing based vegetation monitoring, 7 Landsat data were selected during vegetation growing season (June - October). A total of 33 pixels were selected as the survey fields during vegetation growth season in August 2010. VF of arbores canopy in the selected plots was computed. We monitored reclaimed vegetation variation through analyzing time series data of 19 vegetation indices, which were usually applied to mine area monitoring, such as NDVI, EVI. PCA for the VIs, the accumulative ratio of contribution of the first two PCs is 91.508%, the variance contribution rate of PC1 is 84.656%, and the variance contribution rate of PC2 is 6.852%.The VF model was set up by regression analysis of SPSS based on the PC1 and PC2. T test examination showed that the field VF was correlated significantly to PC 1 and PC2, the correlation coefficient R2 of the model was 0.742. The result confirmed that the PCA in the inversion of vegetation fraction worked effectively, which could be widely used. In addition, we concluded that the vegetation system of South Dump, West Dump and West Enlarged Dump had gradually transformed to the natural ecosystem from 1990 - 2015. The vegetation in Inner Dump and Inner Enlarged Dump should be well restored. Reclamation was a long-time and dynamic project, whose effect is hard to determine in short term, while remote sensing technology is an effective way to monitor the inter-annual variation of vegetation recovery.
ZHANG Yao ZHOU Wei(School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Land Resources, Beijing 100035, China)
Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
Vegetation fraction
Vegetation indices
TM data
Opencast mine