
恒定导通时间控制单电感双输出CCM Buck变换器

Single-Inductor Dual-Output CCM Buck Converter with Constant on Time Control
摘要 以工作于电感电流连续导电模式(CCM)的单电感双输出(SIDO)Buck变换器为研究对象,为提高其瞬态响应速度,提出了恒定导通时间(COT)控制SIDO CCM Buck变换器。详细分析了COT控制SIDO CCM Buck变换器的工作原理和工作时序。与传统共模电压-差模电压控制SIDO CCM Buck变换器进行了对比分析。研究结果表明:本文提出的COT控制SIDO CCM Buck变换器不需要误差放大器及补偿网络,具有实现简单、瞬态响应快和输出支路间交叉影响小的优点。 To improve the transient response speed of single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) Buck converter in continuous conduction mode (CCM), the contant on time (COT) control SIDO CCM Buck converter is proposed. Compared with traditional common mode voltage and differential mode voltage (CMV-DMV) control SIDO CCM Buck converter, the results show that COT control SIDO CCM Buck converter does not need error amplifier and corresponding compensators, therefore, the proposed converter is simple and has fast transient response. In addition, the cross regulation of the proposed converter is small.
作者 王瑶
出处 《电气工程学报》 2016年第9期48-54,共7页 Journal of Electrical Engineering
基金 西南民族大学国家重大项目(2012NZD001) 四川教育厅项目(16ZB0024)
关键词 单电感双输出 恒定导通时间控制 瞬态响应 交叉影响 Single-inductor dual-output, contant on time control, transient response, cross regulation
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