

The Documentary Inclination of Latin American Films
摘要 在当代拉美电影的发展进程中,纪录片不仅占据了重要地位,许多虚构作品的原创性也来自纪录片风格。本文以战后意大利新现实主义的引入为开端,依照时代演进次序,考察了一组重要拉美剧情片的纪录片倾向。倘若说在20世纪50年代初期实验中,电影人仍旧信任镜头具备捕捉真实的能力,而在新电影时期,纪实手段在更多情况下提供了批判思考的路径,那么80年代以来,《伊拉塞玛》《中央车站》等代表性影片又提出了重新思考纪实与虚构之间互动关系的路径。
作者 魏然
出处 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期116-119,共4页 Contemporary Cinema
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  • 1Peter Rist, 'The Documentary hnpulse and Third Cinema Theory in Latin America: An Introduction", CineAction, no. 18 (1989): 60-61.
  • 2Yomi Braester, "Tracing the City's Scars: Demolition and Documentary Impulse in New Urban Cinema", In Zhen Zhang, ed., The Urban Generation.Durham Duke University Press, 2007. PD. t61-180.
  • 3See Michael Chanan, "Rediscovering Documentary: Cultural Context and Intentionality", In Michael T. Martin. New Latin American Cinema (Volume One): Theory, Practices, and Transcontinental Articulations. Detroit: Wayne State, ecl., University Press, 1997, pp. 201-217.
  • 4Julio Garc a Espinosa, "Por un cine imperfecto', en Secretar i a de Educaci 6 n P fl blica, ed, .Hojas de Cizle Testimonios y Documentos de1 Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano (Volumen III). Ciudad de M 6 xicot Universidad Aut 6noma Metropolitana, 1988. PP. 63-77.
  • 5魏然.豪尔赫·桑希内斯:玻利维亚原住民电影与闪回的政治[J].北京电影学院学报,2015(6):131-137. 被引量:1
  • 6Jorge SanjinOs y Grupo Ukamau, Teorfa y Prdctica de un Cine Junto al Pueblo, Ciudad de M xico Siglo Veintinuo, 1979. pp, i3 33,.
  • 7Ismail Xavier, "lracema: 0 cinema-verdadevaiaoteatro", Belo Horizonte, no. 1 (2004): 70-85.
  • 8See Walter Salles, "I have seen the light", The Guardian, April 2, 2004. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2OO4/apr/02/1.
  • 9See Deborah Shaw, Contemporary Cinema of Latz?? America,. 10 Key FLlms, New York: Continuum, 2003. p. 165.
  • 10See Aria M. Lepez, "At the Limits of Documentary: Hypertextual Transformation and the New Latin American Cinema", In Julianne Burton, ed., The SociM Documentary in Latin America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1990, pp. 403-432.


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  • 2[美]罗斯托.郭熙保,王松茂译.经济增长的阶段:非共产党宣言[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001.
  • 3Fernando Birri.Sonor con Ios ojos abiertos[M],Buenos Aires:Taurus,2007:205.
  • 4[秘鲁]印卡·加西拉索·德拉维加.印卡王室述评[M].白凤森、杨衍永译.北京:商务印书馆,1993:230.
  • 5Jorge Sanjines.Revolutionary Cinema:The Boliv- ian Experience[A].Julianne Burton.Cinema and Social Change in Latin America[C].Austin:Uni- versity of Texas Press,1986:45-47.
  • 6Molly Geidel.Sowing-Death in Our Womenf s Wombs:Modernization and Indigenous National- ism in the 1960s Peace Corps and Jorge Sanjines' Yawar Mallku[J].American Quarterly,2010,62,no.3:763-786.
  • 7Gumucio Dagron.Historia del cine en Bolivia[M].La Paz:Editorial Amigos del Libro,1982:232.
  • 8Antonio Eguino.Neo-realism in Bolivia:An In- terview with Antonio Eguino[J].Cineaste,1978-9,9,no.2:27.
  • 9Maureen Cheryn Turim.Flashbacks in Film:Mem- ory & History[M].New York:Routledge,1989:1-2.
  • 10Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino.Towards a Third Cinema[A].Michael T.Martin.New Latin American Cinema,Volume One,Theory,Practices,and Transcontinental Articulations[C].Detroit:Wayne State University,1997:33-58.








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