
委内瑞拉:资源诅咒与制度陷阱 被引量:7

Venezuela:Resources Curse and Institution Trap
摘要 在近百年的历史变迁中,委内瑞拉的经济增长和石油紧密相关。石油经济的各种衍生利益与引致需求不断溢出并传导至国家的各个层面,垄断与腐败成为委内瑞拉经济发展关键词,委内瑞拉经济在依赖石油、试图摆脱依赖之间轮回,长期落在"中等收入陷阱"中无法自拔。该文试图从制度视角,阐述该国政治、经济、社会制度及文化与经济增长之间的关系:从民众主义与选举政治、收入分配与寻租行为,以及社会福利与传统文化等维度解读委内瑞拉落入中等收入陷阱的原因所在。 The economic growth in Venezuela was related tightly with oil revenue during the last century, while the spillover effects of the oil economy conductive to all the class, which makes corruption and monopoly prevalence around the country. The dependency on oil economy makes the economy growth path swing from one side to another periodically, just like the two sides of a coin. As a result, Venezuela lost in the middle income trap for decades. The article analyzes the politics, economy and social system in Venezuela from institution aspect, then draw such conclusions: populism, electronic politics, income distribution, rent seeking and social welfare system mixed with the culture tradition, are the key factors which leads to the middle income trap of Venezuela.
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期75-83,共9页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
关键词 委内瑞拉 资源诅咒 制度陷阱 中等收入陷阱 Venezuela, Rresources Curse, Institution Trap, Middle Income Trap
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